_About Me_
I am Heshan Randika Karanayaka.I'm 23 years old now and pursuing a degree program at CINEC Campus, a private university in Sri Lanka. I am a second-year student studying for my BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering. I didn't hesitate to choose this degree program because I have had a passion for the field of computing since I was a child and I am interested in the new computer technology in the new world.
In the degree program I am studying, we are taught different modules related to different fields. Among them, I I am very eager to learn about the Web Architecture module. Because I am a bit more interested in the emerging field of Web Development related to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.These days I am studying the basic level subjects required to study that field. The Coursera platform helps me learn those things. I am currently getting the basic the knowledge I need through Coursera. The service that comes from it cannot be overstated. I certify that the The Coursera platform is an ideal learning environment for anyone.